More commonly now than in years past, Security equipment and surveillance cameras are being used in aiding authorities in tracking down suspects and people of interest in a wide range of criminal activity such as theft, burglaries, robberies and kidnappings. This equipment doesn’t have to necessarily be on the premises of where the actual criminal activity takes place, but could likely be used on or in surrounding homes, offices and places of business. Furthermore, this equipment is an imperative tool in not only getting an adequate description of the individuals involved, but also the vehicles used by the individual(s) in question.
Recent stories, making national news, have shown where footage pulled from security cameras have helped to save abductees and return them home to safety. In addition to the security and surveillance cameras, investigators have been able to use GPS tracking devices to locate said vehicles used in cases of abduction and kidnappings. These devices used for GPS tracking were previously installed in the vehicles of problem customers and then later can be used to find the vehicle in an instance of possible repossession. Similar tracking devices are used by business owners and management to keep track of their company vehicles and company property.
Diamond Electronics Inc offers a wide variety of security and video surveillance options for your home or business. We can also provide GPS Tracking devices for your company property such as company vehicles and even for your new teen driver who you are sending out on the road for the first time. Contact Diamond Electronics today to speak to us about how these options can be of benefit to you. Diamond Electronics is located in Locust NC and services Charlotte NC and surrounding areas.