Every day the news covers burglaries and home invasions taking place in the Charlotte area and the surrounding suburbs. To keep your home and family safe, consider upgrading your home’s protection with an alarm net cellular communicator. With a cell back-up the alarm signal will still go through to the central station should the phone lines be cut.
It has been proven that a home with a security system is three times less likely to be burglarized. The thought of setting off an alarm is a deterrent for most burglars. However, a monitored system by Diamond Electronics insures that the police will be dispatched in the event of a home break-in. Diamond’s monitoring center provides protection with the latest equipment 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. By installing a home security system with Diamond Electronics, you have the opportunity to save up to 20% on your Homeowners Insurance.
If you don’t have a home security system, you need one!! Diamond Electronics services Charlotte, NC and the surrounding areas.